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Thursday 7 June 2018

Einstein’s Mirror

●♥● Einstein’s Mirror ●♥●

E=mc², Einstein’s amazing realization was the direct relationship between matter and energy. This revelation gave us nuclear power and atomic weapons. The human race achieved the ability to directly convert physical substance into energy. However, technically mankind has been doing the converse and converting energy into physical materials since the dawn of time.

Go home. Look around you. You will be surrounded by material possessions, friends and family. To obtain these things took your personal time and energy. Living requires energy. Each of us will live an allotted time on this planet. How we live that time is essentially how we will spend our energy. Power is simply energy that has been put to work. We use our power earning a living, preparing and consuming food, self-care, maintaining a home, raising a family, and socially interacting. When it comes to labour time truly is money and money convers to material goods and services. The large screen TV in your home cost you precious hours of your existence at work. Your spouse and children require a good deal of care and attention to obtain and maintain. They too represent a portion of your life energy converted into flesh and blood relationships.

In this sense, every physical thing and person in our lives is actually a reflection of ourselves. We traded a piece of our existence to bring these things into our environment or our possession. E=mc², you converted your life essence into these physical entities. The world that you have built around is mirror of who you are. As you gaze upon your possessions, your friends, acquaintances and immediate family you are actually looking upon various aspects of yourself. For better or worse they are the embodiment of your efforts to spend your life wisely.

It is personally sobering to stare into Einstein’s Mirror of relativity. Certainly, my reflective sphere overlaps that of others, like those of my wife and children. Some of my possession and relations ships are the results of the spending of other people’s lifeblood and thus I may be enriched or impoverished by them. For example, the society and infrastructure of North America has been handed to us through the conversion of other people’s lifeblood.

I may not be able to take responsibility for everything in my life but I can nonetheless truly realize that I hold the majority of the responsibility for the building of my own personal world with my conversion of my own time and energy in to physical reality. The mirror of E=mc² strips us of many of our illusions and excuses. When the living cost of our possessions and our relationships is put in that perspective it definitely makes one pause to ponder the value that we gave or failed to give them. There is value in taking a look at our own personal world today with all its possession and relationships and consider what it can teach us about who we truly are and what we actually value. With eyes aware look upon your friends, your family, your phone, your bed and truly see yourself converted and reflected there.

ⓒ2018 Scott Wilson

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