Meet the Author
©2014 Scott WilsonToday I will stray slightly from my focus on topics that directly speak to success. For me, success is linked to creativity and inspiration. Without these elements our best efforts will often fail because we need creativity and inspitration to adapt to the inevitable challenges that occur. It is with that in mind that I present the following:
How many of us would kill for the chance to meet our favourite author and maybe get a signed copy of their work? Most of us would jump at the chance to speak face to face with J.K. Rowling, Stephenie Meyer, Suzanne Collins, Stephen King, Robert Ludlum or Tom Clancy, to name a few. Their stories have become our stories. We have memories of curling up with their well-crafted tales, sometimes even with our friends and family. It would be such a wonderful opportunity to speak with the minds that brought to life our favourite fictional characters.
But what if we could meet the mind who authored the colours of fall or the terrible beauty of fire? Imagine speaking with the one who conceived and crafted the feeling of joy and invented laughter. Envision what it would be like to converse with the designer of tears. How would we feel about a signed copy of today’s blazing sunset?
This may sound trite but these meetings can happen. We have within us the capacity to connect with the author of all that surrounds us. The signature of the Maker can be seen everywhere from the tiny mote of quarks up to glorious wonder of galaxies. This moment that you take to read these words was crafted just for you. Make no mistake; you are where you need to be right now. The One who fearfully and wonderfully imagined you is not dead or missing. You were meant to make this connection.
All that is needed is a bit of your time. No fancy words or special phrases are required. You can speak or remain silent. But you must take the time to slow the incessant chatter between your ears, just like you do before falling asleep. However, don’t sleep. Instead, awaken to all that you have been blind to around you. Find inspiration in your every breath. Open your heart to miracle that is your very life itself. Let the One who dreamed this universe speak the words and paint the pictures that are only for you!
The invitation is there, every day. Come, meet the author…