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Friday 18 May 2018

Simple Patient Compassion

Simple Patient Compassion

“Simplicity, patience, compassion.
These three are your greatest treasures.
Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being.
Patient with both friends and enemies,
you accord with the way things are.
Compassionate toward yourself,
you reconcile all beings in the world.”
― Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching
According to legend, when the venerable sage Lao Tsu was leaving China a guard at the Great Wall recognized him demanded that he leave behind a record of all his wisdom before he left.  The learned elder then sat and wrote the Tao Te Ching.  After a lifetime of learning this wise man highly valued three things:  simplicity, patience and compassion; these were his keys for successful living.  Personally, I have seen this same truth resonating across the wisdom of many cultures including the teachings of the Buddhavacana, Tanakh, Bible, Bhagavad Gita and Gitche Manitou.  The Tao Te Ching has stood the test of time and stands today as a globally recognized source for understanding.  It follows that our lives and goals can benefit from consideration of this sensible advice.

Simplicity, we now live in a complicated and intricate world.  Simple letters and writing have been replaced with e-mail, texts, blogs and more.   Simple face to face conversations have been replaced by highly technological phone and video calls.  Simple definitions of relationships, marriage and family have been replaced with increasingly complex and elaborate views.  Simple safe, naïve and innocent childhood is being assaulted by various social and political opinions and fears.  It is safe to say that nothing is simple today.

Yet mankind is born, lives and dies – a cycle unchanged for thousands of years.  This simple fact remains.  What we do between cradle and grave defines our existence.    For all our complicated toys, entertainment and gadgets we still simply need food, shelter, love, acceptance and meaning.  If we can recognize our simple nature and pay attention to our basic needs then perchance we might better handle our more sophisticated matters.  Simplicity understands and feeds our bodies, minds, hearts and souls.  We merely need to take the time to break down the priorities in our lives and see where they fit physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being.  Simplifying our lives brings us back to the essence of life itself.

We are advised to exercise patience with friend and foe alike.  In so doing we refrain from struggling against what is and instead harmonize with existence.  We accept the things that change which we would otherwise seek to keep static.  We also accept the unchangeable permanence of other realities like the gravity, time, space and aging.

Patience, in a world filled with ticking clocks patience is a precious rarity.  Time is always running out.  We rush through childhood towards adulthood.  We rush through education towards careers.  We rush through careers towards raises and advancement.  We crave a fast pace, seeking to stuff as much into every second as possible.  We have precious little time to waste… and yet we fill our vacant hours with trivial pursuits and entertainment.  If we slow down then we risk the realization that we are going nowhere fast and turning our days into a forgettable blur.  Ironically, the patience we lack would actually serve to slow down the tyrannical passage of time. 

Lastly, the sage mentions compassion, not for others but towards yourself.  Compassion is not pity.  It is the understanding of misfortune and suffering.  If we can master true compassion for ourselves then the text promises that we reconcile all beings.  To reconcile people is to restore harmony between them.  If we learn how to exercise genuine empathy towards ourselves then we will learn to live in peace with our very being.  To be compassionate is to accept ourselves as we are, a mix of both flaws and qualities together.   Real compassion acknowledges and understands our best and our worst and gracefully embraces them together.

It is evident that we humans crave understanding and acceptance.  The psychologist Abraham Maslow used the term ‘love and belonging’ to describe this fundamental need.  We all yearn for acceptance from other people: our parents, our family, our peers and our community.    This need is so strong that some twisted souls have committed hideous acts of violence when they felt utterly rejected by life and those around them.  Oddly, we actually need to start by truly accepting ourselves, for only then will be able to offer that same compassionate understanding to others.  In contrast, today’s world seems quite harsh and judgemental.  We are taught to self-criticize and  to berate ourselves in the belief that we will whip ourselves into shape.  Instead, we merely generate self-loathing and the disbelief in ourselves. 

Simplicity.  Patience.  Compassion.  Declutter you heart, mind and spirit.  Learn and exercise patience with all things.  Understand the heart of compassion towards yourself and others.  These are the three greatest treasures that we can cultivate within ourselves.

©2018 Scott D. Wilson

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