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Tuesday, 30 June 2015

You Belong Here

You Belong Here
©Scott D. Wilson,P.Eng. 2015
It would seem that one of mankind’s fundamental drives is the search for acceptance and belonging.   Whether atheist, agnostic or a person of faith, we all seem to seek a sense of purpose and understanding why we exist.  
I am here to state that regardless of faith that you belong here and now.  The universe, the Creator, the first Cause or whatever you conceive has conspired to place you in this time and place.  So many regret their past but fail to realize that their failures have shaped them as much as their successes.  Without pain joy does not taste quite so sweet.  Learning what you don’t want is just as important as learning your passion.  In eastern culture there is a saying “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”
You are here now and reading these words because your life has brought you here.  I encourage you to make the best of this opportunity… become the ready student and anticipate your teacher(s).  I believe that part of our drive for belong stirs from our innate desire to be creative.  We humans tend to create that on which we focus our thoughts.  Artists see art in the world around them and become drawn to make it tangible to others.  Engineers see technical needs in the world and create solutions to address them.  Accountants see elegance in economics and seek novel ways to use money and benefit from it. 
If you find your thoughts focused on your deficits then you will inevitably create more deficits.  If you find yourself focused on your weight then it will tend to increase.  Mother Teresa once said “I was once asked why I don't participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I'll be there.”  She understood this principle.  Most people truly do not want to lose weight; they want to be healthy.  Our health and wellbeing should be our focus, not our weight!  Our focus should be on our riches, not on our poverty or our debts.  
So I return again to my original premise. You do not lack belonging or acceptance.  It was here all along.  You belong here.  Forgive your past self, they were doing their best with what they knew and what they had at that time.  They were younger and less wise.  Accept that you are meant to be here and that you bring something unique with your specific set of 3.2 billion base pairs of DNA.  This is your time.  Open yourself to learning.  Open yourself to the almost limitless possibilities for your life.  Learn yourself and learn your purpose… then face your fears and follow it!
“You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.” – Max Ehrmann (The Desiderata)

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Dads ot The World, Celebrate!

Dads of the World, Celebrate!!
©2015 Scott Wilson

Father's Day - The day where sons and daughters get together to show their appreciation for dad, right?  Not for me.  Today is my day to celebrate the awesome, frightening, incredible privilege of being a dad.  Much as I am grateful for the acts of appreciation, I sincerely enjoy a day to stop and reflect on this one significant role that I added to my life.
Throughout life we wear many hats: child, adult, parent, student, teacher, employee, passenger, driver, team member, coach, caretaker, friend, lover, spouse, artist, reader, writer and so many more.   Few of these roles compare to the unimaginable experience of fatherhood.  Parenthood, real parenthood, is not for the faint of heart.  The joys and the sorrows, the excitement and worry - it is truly a roller-coaster of emotion.
First, your love for your mate materializes in the words "I'm pregnant."  Then there is anxious waiting and anticipation that climaxes with the announcement "It's time." In one miraculous moment this new life emerges into the world and they are your responsibility - to love, to care for, to nurture and to introduce to all the wonders and possibilities of this amazing world.  The very thought of it overwhelms your mind and emotions.
For some twenty or so years you then standby as a guardian, teacher, disciplinarian, coach, guide, confidant, and eventually, friend. You struggle between holding on and letting go.  Ultimately, you are expected to release them completely, to make their own way in the universe.  Yet, no matter how old they get you still feel the weight of responsibility for them.  Through it all you cheer their victories, console their losses, support their trials, hurt with them through their pain, and laugh with them when life called for it.  You are the witness to so much of the formative and critical parts of their lives.
Dads, you have signed on for a most amazing and beautiful of missions.  It will test your resolve, stain your heart, leave deep scars, and sometimes tear you to pieces.   In return, you have the privilege to share in the unique creation of a human life, a character, a personality, and an individual person. It will carry on for your entire life and you may never know whether you were truly a 'success'.  You will make mistakes, guaranteed.  Your job is to persevere and do your best.  In the end, that is all you can do and the rest is up to them.
So dads of the world, today I salute you and encourage you to celebrate the opportunities that you have been given.  Remember to enjoy every moment that you have with your kids, both the good and the bad.  We all have a fixed number of rotations on this globe.  Today is your day, so commit again to doing your best to earn the esteemed title of 'Dad'!