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Sunday, 20 March 2016

Stop Looking For Failure!

Stop Looking For Failure!
©2016 Scott D. Wilson, P.Eng.

"Stop looking for excuses to fail and start finding reasons to succeed!" —Scott D. Wilson

When I coined the above quote I went online to see if others had said something similar. Unsurprisingly, many have said several variations of this statement. This version is uniquely mine. This statement applies to every worthy endeavour in life from weight loss to career success. Everywhere I go I see people finding excuses and reasons to give up on themselves and their dreams. They find great justifications to start a worthwhile venture. They overcome their fears about starting and then they start moving towards their goals. Finally, obstacles are encountered and progress slows.

This is where people split. Some buckle down. They had expected and anticipated this situation. They knew there would be roadblocks and detours. But they also know that the goal is worth reaching. They know that they will succeed as long as they do not quit. They change course, they alter their plans and they keep moving forward. They never truly lose sight of the goal and their reasons for achieving it. Do they struggle? Yes! Do they get frustrated? Yes! Do they doubt themselves? Sure! They may even feel like quitting but they would rather be thrown out of the game than abandon it altogether!

The other folks start looking for excuses to quit. Genetics, upbringing, luck, fortune, fate, you name it and they will find some way to use it as an excuse for giving up. They want any reason to soothe their ego and give them a viable explanation for abandoning their efforts. It is as if they expected the entire universe to immediately align with their attempt and harmonize in the delivery of their results. When this does not happen right away then it is clear to them that it is simply not meant to be. The universe has conspired to make them a victim again. The truth is that they have become a victim to their own unrealistic expectations.

What's the fundamental difference between these two groups of people? I believe the most important aspect was the focus of their attention. The first group is looking for all the evidence for their success. It is not that they believe in themselves more; they suffer the same doubts. It is instead that they have chosen to anticipate their ultimate success rather than envisioning their downfall. They are actively choosing hope over desperation. They tenaciously hold onto the possibility of success.

Our minds are incredible tools. They tend to discover that which they earnestly seek. Man sought for thousands of years to fly. Our entire history is rife with our failed attempts. Today, there are tens of thousands of people in the air as I write these words. It was a dream that we all craved and our creative minds eventually delivered. Individually we are similar. What we focus on we will find or manifest. No matter how noble our beginnings if we look for failure then we will find it.

So our approach to our goals plays a big role in our ability to deliver them. If we are willing to entertain emotions and thoughts of doubt then our minds will obligingly start coming up with excuses. Immediately when we find ourselves considering the idea of failure it is in that moment that we need to redirect our minds and start thinking about all the reasons why we should be succeeding. We haven't go a hope of success when we start looking for failure.

“Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” ― Thomas A. Edison

"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." ― Thomas A. Edison

Sunday, 6 March 2016

The Special

The Special
©2016 Scott D. Wilson,P.Eng.
Most here are aware of my affinity for the movie ‘The Matrix’ and its concepts.  Those reading the title of this article who have children will already have an idea about what other film I want to discuss here today.  The term “The Special” refers to the film ‘The Lego Movie.’   For those unfamiliar with this movie I can summarize it this way.  The film draws many parallels to my cherished Matrix.  Most noteworthy is the journey of the main characters.  In the ‘Lego Movie’ the rebel group is looking for “The Special” and in ‘The Matrix’ they are looking for “The One.”  In ‘The Matrix’ Neo, or Thomas A. Anderson, struggles to understand that he is the special person with unique abilities to perceive and change reality.  In ‘The Lego Movie’ Emmet struggles with a prophesy that has labelled him “The Special” and expects him to be a “Master Builder” and “the most interesting, and most extraordinary person in the universe.”
There are many other parallels that can be explored and both our heroes ultimately realize their full potential and end the oppression of their people.  However, ‘The Lego Movie’ diverges in one VERY significantly different way.  Neo is distinctly different and therefore special.  He acts and thinks in ways that are different from everybody else.  It is his uniqueness that makes him “The One.”  Emmet on the other hands is exactly like everyone else.  He is the quintessential nobody.  He blends in with everyone and he is uncreative and truly boring.  Yet he becomes “The Special” quite by accident when he falls down a hole while chasing a beautiful and mysterious woman.  Neo is a reluctant Christ figure but Emmet is every one of us.
Yet both our heroes transcend their perceived limitations and break free of the oppressive reality that enslaved them.  Both characters gain the ability to literally rearrange reality to suit their needs and to help those around them.  The difference that I noted is important because of this simple idea that Emmet realizes:
“You are the most talented, most interesting, and most extraordinary person in the universe. And you are capable of amazing things. Because you are the Special. And so am I. And so is everyone. The prophecy is made up, but it's also true. It's about all of us. Right now, it's about you, and you....still.....can change everything.”
Emmet realized the truth that what makes someone special is not some magical gift or talent or ability.  It is not something that some people fortunately have and that others unfortunately do not.   It is a choice that they make.  Every normal person has the ability to change the way they see reality.  Every one of us further has the ability to change that reality.   All of us have the capability to become “The One” or “The Special.”  We all can wake-up to the untapped potential within us and become astoundingly so much more than we are today.
This is an important realization that we all should think hard upon and act upon even harder still.  So many are looking for their Neo, a special unique saviour with super-powers, to come and liberate them from the mess of their lives.  All the while, what they truly need to do is realize that they are the special person that can make all the difference.   If they would only realize this simple fact they would become their own superhero, just like Emmet.  There are barriers.  I recognize this.  Knowing something with our heads is not the same as actually knowing and experiencing the truth of something.  
From the Kamasutra to the Kinsey Reports there is a lot of useful and wonderful information about human sexual intercourse.  We could spend years reading and fill our heads with the knowledge.  Personally, none of that information will ever compare to the experience of a bona fide orgasm with a trusted and loving partner.  Knowing the truth is not the same as acting upon it.  Knowing that we are special and that we can be special is the same kind of realization.  This reality needs to be experienced!  It requires us to act upon what we know in our minds and then experience the reality of this new situation that we create.  It is literally an act of faith… faith in ourselves.
To those out there hesitating, who do not believe that they have what it takes, I urge you to suspend that doubt and make an act of faith in yourself.  Act as if your dream is truly becoming reality.  I know that it will be fearful but I can personally guarantee that it can be equally wonderful.  Would you truly rather face the bitter of regret of opportunities lost?  Stop waiting for the one who will save you.  Become your own hero today.  Put on that cape!
Today, I want to also acknowledge all the superheroes in this life.  You know who you are.  You have grabbed hold of your life with both hands and you are riding it for all that it is worth.  You have taken back control where you once were enslaved.  You have gone from victim to victorious. You stopped making excuses and started making a difference.  You have learned to look at reality with new eyes and to in turn exceed the perceived boundaries that once trapped you.   And most important, you have openly shared and given back so that others can become heroes too.  You folks are “The Specials”, “The Master Builders”, and “The Ones” that make this world work... that make the journey special.  THANK YOU!