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Thursday, 9 August 2018

You Are Success

You are ‘Success’

Simple Definition of ‘success’ (from
     1 :  the fact of getting or achieving the correct or desired result
     2 :  the correct or desired result of an attempt
    3 :  someone or something that is successful : a person or thing that succeeds
Every day…
You successfully take up to 23,040 breaths.
Your heart effectively beats about 103,000 times.
Your autonomic systems process and balance thousands of chemicals required for life.
You communicate with others speaking almost 5,000 words.
You make about 35,000 decisions… some better than others but you will make them.
And so much more.
You are walking, talking, thinking miracle.
The fact that you are here reading these words is a testament to your human success.
The fact of your success is not debatable but your realization of this fact may be so.
Failure is an event, not a person.
You literally embody success.
Where there is life there is success!
How can you even consider thinking in terms of failure?
Acknowledge and harmonize with your existing success story.
Life will be what it is.
Some days will feel more successful than others.
Time and space will be uncomfortable and difficult at times.
It may even imperil your existence.
But until that last breath leaves…
Until that last heartbeat…
You remain successful.
Know it.
Believe it.
Live it.

©2016 Scott D. Wilson

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