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Friday, 25 July 2014

When Life Says 'No'

When Life Says 'No'

©Scott D. Wilson 2014

Today's theme song is:

"Bless the Broken Road" by Rascal Flatts

Admittedly, this song is primarily about romantic love.  However, one can also look at it from several angles.  For example, from a spiritual perspective, the singer could be speaking about the failed paths that eventually led him to a relationship with his Creator. 

I can personally see various different ways to view this song. The lesson that I choose take from this ballad is that life sometimes says 'no' and that is not always a bad thing. 

Like romantic love, we often pursue noble goals in life with all our heart and soul.  Sometimes they work out, but occasionally they can be savagely ripped away from us:
- The wife who works hard to forge a family and home only to be betrayed by a faithless spouse

- The loyal company worker who gives his very life for his company and then is one day unceremoniously forced into early retirement

- The middle-aged couple whose only child is killed by a reckless driver

Pain and loss are naturally felt.  However, it is how we choose to handle these setbacks that makes them either blessings or curses in the long run.

I have seen live shattered by horrific circumstances at many stages of life. Yet I stand amazed when time and time again the human spirit rises above such tragedy like a phoenix from the ashes and brings forth incredible good.

This is the perspective that we must strive for when life seems to slam the door in our face.  Every end can become a new beginning while we still draw breath.  'No' in one area may be 'yes' in another one that we may never have dreamed of before.  We simply need to look on life with new eyes.  We must have the courage to let go and accept an ending.  Then we might learn to embrace new and unexplored possibilities.

Today, look back on life.  How often did 'no' turn into a door to something better?  Remember these times.  Are you facing something now that is painful and seems so unfair?  Take a moment someplace safe and quiet and look away from the problem.  Consider all the things that you sill may possess such as health, family, friends, talents, faith and much more.  Can you see a possible 'yes' somewhere on the distant horizon?  If so, take today to be brave - change course and set sail to a new destination!!

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