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Wednesday, 23 July 2014

The Other Small Voice

The Other Small Voice

©Scott D. Wilson 2014

This fellow wanted to talk to you and me so I gave him a chance today...

Hello, can you hear me? I am the OSV, the Other Small Voice. You probably don’t know me too well but that’s ok. Most people ignore me or they listen to my brother NSSV, the Not So Small Voice. He’s the guy who’s always telling you that you aren’t good enough, smart enough, lucky enough or even deserving of anything good.

He’s seems to be far more successful than I am because almost everybody seems to listen to him. Maybe it’s because he reminds people that they are just the same as everyone else and he comforts people when they fail by helping them to come up with good excuses. Also, he saves people time and energy by using these same excuses to avoid attempting anything worthwhile.

But enough about him, it’s my job to remind you of the miraculous nature of who you are and the virtually infinite potential that you possess at this very moment. Did you know that your personal DNA contains a unique sequence of over 3.2 billion base pairs? Barring cloning, there will never be another human being with your specific DNA sequence. Never. You are quite literally an amazing scientific and biological masterpiece. One might even say, a miracle.

I’m telling you this because you need to understand that you have a unique opportunity at this time and this place. Some things you have no control over, like the weather and where you born. The list of uncontrollable things is indeed vast. But you have one very powerful tool: choice. In this moment you have control over what you choose to do, to think and to be. That is powerful! That is far more powerful than the things you cannot control.

You can choose to follow others or you can chart your own course. The point is – this moment, and the next one, will be what YOU choose to make them. You can coast along on autopilot doing what is easiest and accepting what this world seems to be – for better or for worse. Or you can question and dream and start to build something else, something different… something better. Will it be easy? Not likely. Will there be a cost. Sure. Will it be worth it? Oh yes!

Once men looked up and dreamt of flying and now thousands of people are in the air as you read this. Dreams can become reality when you have a vision and make the choice to follow it. So that is why I am here.

I am the OSV. I know that you have been listening to NSSV… but he is wrong. Today I want you to take a chance, dream a dream, and make at least one small step towards a better tomorrow for yourself and everyone. You deserve it. This world deserves it. If everyone on earth took one step closer to their dream today image how amazing tomorrow would look? You are unique, your time is NOW. Make the best of it! The choice is yours…

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